Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014–2020 Logo - back to the main page of the website
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Pivnichne Podillia National Nature Park

Organisation name in national language

Національний природний парк "Північне Поділля"


вул. Гагаріна, 2-б, с. Підгірці, Золочівський район, Львівська область
80660 Броди





Lviv Oblast


1.3 Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution

Legal status of organisation

public administration

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Name & surname

Галина Паньковська

Position/function within the organisation

начальник науково-дослідного відділу




Project idea (in English)

Promotion and preservation of the natural heritage of the small rivers of Pivnichne Podillia Within the boundaries of the Pivnichne Podillia National Nature Park, the main European watershed passes and rivers originate, which carry their waters to two seas – the Black and the Baltic. In particular, the sources of the cross-border Western Bug river are located on the Podolian Upland. Human economic activities, changes in the hydrological regime, and the impact of invasive vegetation on natural ecosystems in river valleys have a significant negative impact on streams and small rivers. The idea of the project is to draw attention to the problems of small rivers, to reduce negative factors – study of physical and chemical parameters, ecological assessment. In addition, measures are proposed to reduce the impact of alien vegetation on natural components in river valleys. It is important to provide for the promotion of the events by informing the public through Internet pages, social networks, etc. The implementation of the project will ensure the sustainable development of the natural her

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