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Project of the week - responding to the changing labour market

31 / 01 / 2022
Category: Project News


In the „Project of the week” series we have been showing the progress of our projects in the different thematic objectives and priorities. So far we have not shown the project implemented under the priority “Development of ICT infrastructure”. It is the project „Creation of information and communication technologies and education centers in Ostrołęka and Masty” (acronym ICTCompet) which is being implemented by the City of Ostrołęka in cooperation with the State Institution of Culture "Masty County Library" (BY) and the Masty Raion Executive Committee.

A general description of the ICTCompet project can be found in the "Projects" tab of our website.

Today, information and communication technologies (ICT) accompany us in almost every aspect of life and play a very important role in it. However, due to high costs, they are not fully accessible to citizens everywhere. The idea to popularize them in the Ostrołęka-Siedlce subregion and Hrodna Oblast was to design and establish so-called multicentres, i.e. ICT and education centres in Ostrołęka and Masty. They will be located in already existing, but thoroughly renovated buildings. In Poland such a centres is being created in a part of the historic building of the railway station in Ostrołęka, and in Belarus in the building of the District Library in Masty. At present, both buildings are being renovated and finished, with separate rooms for multicentres and walls insulated and painted. The project partners are also purchasing equipment that will be used to organise workshops and training to prepare young people for the rapidly changing labour market.

Like any cross-border project, this one also involves a number of joint cross-border initiatives. Together, the beneficiaries developed the "Strategy of ICT based education of border regions of Poland and Belarus". The strategy and the resulting objectives and recommendations will serve to create the best possible conditions for developing the knowledge and interests of the inhabitants, increasing the attractiveness and level of education in the ICT field and responding to the needs of the modern labour market - and consequently also serve the development of cross-border cities and regions of Poland and Belarus.



We are looking forward to the opening of the multicentres. Already today we invite you to visit them.

With this article we end the cycle "Project of the week". We would like to thank the beneficiaries who have contributed to its creation. From February, we invite you to a new cycle "Time for results", in which we will present the effects of completed PBU projects.

We encourage you to regularly visit the website



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